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5 Common Technology Problems and How to Solve Them

Common IT Problems

The accelerating pace of digital transformation has increased businesses’ reliance on technology. However, as that reliance increases, so does the likelihood of encountering IT problems.

A staggering 82% of businesses have experienced unplanned disruptions due to the most common IT issues over the past four years, leading to a significant loss in productivity.

Common technology problems have a tangible impact on business productivity and, by extension, your bottom line.

“IT can become a brake on your business if it’s not being managed properly, explains Chris Power, CEO of Power Consulting. “Every business needs an IT support and resolution process, or risks killing the productivity of their best people and their most expensive resources.  Technology can drag down and even demoralize an otherwise productive team. Your IT provider should reduce “technology friction” by relace the oldest hardware, perform regular software updates, and a few other basic procedures regularly.”

The good news is that you can prevent IT problems from holding your business back. In this article, we’ll discuss five of the most common IT problems in business, how to approach them, and the necessary steps for resolving them.

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A Closer Look at 5 Problems With IT and Their Solutions


Problem 1: “Lagony” – Frustratingly Slow Computers

When your computer responds sluggishly, or applications take a while to load, it’s not just a mere annoyance; it’s a drain on employee productivity. These problems with IT are typically tied to either hardware or software issues.

A SanDisk study showed that PC users are wasting more than five days a year on slow-performing computers. The results of ITIC’s Hourly Cost of Downtime Survey showed that 91% of companies said that their hourly downtime costs exceeded $300,000.

That said, the cost of downtime can be even more expensive than that. Given the aforementioned average downtime cost of $5,600 per minute, losing five days’ worth of time to slow computers can potentially set you back $40.32 million.


Solution: Speed Up Your Systems

To resolve slow performance, start by cleaning up your hard drive. Delete unneeded files, limit startup programs, and defragment your disk. Consider upgrading your hardware or moving towards a cloud service, which can provide scalable resources to meet your needs.

Common IT Problems

Source: TechChannel


Problem 2: Network Connectivity

The Challenge of Staying Connected

Losing internet access is a critical technology issue in business today. From a simple router reboot to a major power outage, network connectivity issues can disrupt your access to data, significantly diminishing your operational efficiency.


Ensuring Constant Connectivity

First, perform basic checks: Is your Wi-Fi turned on? Are all cables properly connected? If the problems persist, consider leveraging managed services that provide round-the-clock network monitoring and rapid issue resolution.


Problem 3: Data Security Threats

The Risk of Vulnerability

Data breaches pose a significant security risk, especially for small businesses. A 2022 report by IBM found that the global average cost of a data breach was $4.35 million, a figure that can be catastrophic for many businesses.


Solution: Fortifying Your Defenses

Invest in robust security software and educate your team about safe online practices. Keep your systems updated, and consider hiring managed services to handle your security needs professionally.


Problem 4: Data Backup and Recovery Issues

The Dangers of Lost Data

Data backup is often overlooked until disaster strikes. From accidental deletions to system failures, data loss is a serious IT problem in business. Research shows that 40% of data loss is caused by hardware failure, while human error ranks second at 29%.


Solution: Implementing a Reliable Backup Plan

Regularly backup data, both onsite and offsite, and test your backups frequently. Cloud-based backup services can offer automated and secure options for data storage and recovery.


Summary of Common IT Problems and Solutions

IT Problem Potential Cause Solution 
Slow Computer Performance Hardware and software issues Clean up, upgrade, or use cloud services
Network Connectivity Issues Various hardware and software issues Basic checks, ongoing monitoring, managed services
Data Security Threats Lack of security measures Robust security software, education
Data Backup and Recovery Issues Lack of regular backups Regular on-site and offsite backups


Interested in learning more about solving common IT problems? Check out these blogs:


Common IT Problems


Eliminate Time-Consuming IT Problems With a Proven Partner

Navigating through common IT issues can be a complex task. But by understanding and implementing the solutions to these common technology problems, you can significantly improve your business’s digital resilience and operational efficiency.

At Power Consulting, we have been helping businesses like yours manage and solve common technology problems since 1991. From network outages to underperforming hardware that is causing downtime, you’ll find all the solutions you need when you partner with us.

Regain control of your workday by contacting us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can power up your business’s IT infrastructure.

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Common IT Problems